

成人学校 & 继续教育

人类服务(BHS)计划, 也被称为BHS/FLEX计划, offers an accelerated degree for adult learners who work in the human services field. The program’s adult-centered approach maintains high academic st和ards while offering a personal academic plan-of-study for each student. The proven 和 tested undergraduate major in human services at 全球十大外围足球平台 serves as the foundation for the BHS/FLEX Program. All required core courses 和 major requirements have been incorporated, 稍加修改, to accommodate the mature student with work-related experience.

Prospective students must be 目前使用 in human services with at least one year of work experience in the field. 从以前的学术研究中获得的学分, 时间学习经验, 和 professional experience will allow the student to apply for Prior 学习ing Assessment (PLA) credit toward the undergraduate degree. Consequently, the BHS/FLEX Program serves as an accelerated bachelor’s degree program. Students who transfer more than 90 approved credit hours from another institution must meet the residency requirement at a minimum of 30 credit hours, of which a minimum of 15 credits must be in the major of human services.

达到毕业要求, students will need to successfully satisfy coursework inclusive of core courses, 主要课程, 和选修课, 以及写作能力要求. Each student enrolled in the BHS/FLEX Program will receive individual academic advising upon acceptance 和 throughout enrollment in the program.




加速的或传统的: 传统的

日程安排: 星期六和平日晚上

程序学分: 120 - 124学分

注册周期: 秋季(八月)和春季(一月)



Walkirya Peralta, 2020届毕业生

The experience 和 education that I have acquired attending the SACE program at 全球十大外围足球平台 has been nothing short of amazing. Not only will I be graduating from a four-year program in two years with a BA in 人类服务, 我还将辅修西班牙语. Although hard work 和 dedication is needed to be successful in this program, 我也把我的成功首先归功于上帝, 然后是SACE的教职员工. Their love 和 support kept me motivated 和 their tireless efforts to always help in times of need will always be greatly appreciated.

学位: 人文服务文学学士学位


PSY 101普通心理学
SOC 101社会学入门
HUS 243人类服务导论 
HUS 245人类成长与发展
HUS 307方法1:个人和家庭
HUS 441带实验室的现场实习

  • Select 两个 额外的课程:
    • 心理学
    • 人类服务


  • Select 一个:
    • 社会政策
    • HUS 308方法II:群体和社区


  • Select 一个:
    • ANT 201普通人类学
    • 制度上的种族主义


  • Select 一个:
    • HSC 160个人和社区卫生
    • PSY 321成瘾心理学


  • Select 一个:
    • 哲学博士111日常伦理学
    • PHL 215伦理
    • PHL 216当代道德问题
    • 任何经部门批准的道德课程

请查收附件的建议 程序序列.


  • 提交免费的 在线申请.
  • Official High School Transcript or General Equivalency Diploma/GED: 提交 official high school transcript or equivalent. 
  • 成绩单: 提交 官方成绩单 for all accredited institutions you have attended 和/or from which you earned credit. 
  • 的简历需要有当前的职业履历.
  • 必须 目前使用 with at least one year of paid work experience in the human services field with 45 transferrable credit hours or three years of work experience if less than 45 transferrable credit hours have been earned.

C和idates entering the BHS Program are required to take placement tests unless they:

  • Have an earned associate degree from a regionally accredited institution; or
  • Are transferring English 101 or English 99 with a grade of C or better from a regionally accredited institution

You are strongly encouraged to upload your supplemental documents to your 学生门户. 你也可以将文件电邮至  sace@therebelsoul.net 或邮寄至:



Students may transfer 90+ approved credit hours from other accredited institutions with an earned grade of C or better. Students must meet 全球十大外围足球平台’s residency requirement of at 30 credit hours, of which a minimum of 15 credits must be in the major of human services.

Students can meet the requirements of the 全球十大外围足球平台 core curriculum 和 the human services major by:

  • 通过参加并通过全球十大外围足球平台的课程,
  • By passing College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests,
  • By preparing professional portfolios 和 presentations 和/or examinations documenting prior learning using The Council for Adult 和 从实践经验中学习 (CAEL) st和ards, 和
  • By transferring courses that are documented by official academic transcripts from regionally accredited academic institutions with a grade of C or better

从以前的学术研究中获得的学分, 时间学习经验, 和 professional experience will allow the student to apply for advanced st和ing toward the undergraduate degree. Consequently, the FLEX Program serves as an accelerated bachelor’s degree program. 

Students who join the program with an Associate’s Degree from an articulated institution will be exempt from the core courses, but must still meet the requirements for the major 和 for the overall 120 credit graduation requirements.

Students will meet the requirements of the 全球十大外围足球平台 core curriculum 和 the human services major by taking 全球十大外围足球平台 courses, passing College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests, 和 preparing professional portfolios 和 presentations documenting prior learning using The Council for Adult 和 从实践经验中学习 (CAEL) st和ards.


全球十大外围足球平台’s tuition 和 fees are set annually by the university 和 remain affordable 和 competitive.


  • 宾夕法尼亚州居民每学时480美元
  • 其他州的居民每学时743美元

了解更多关于 网上学杂费.

Discover federal 和 state financial aid options that may be available 在线.


Some of the roles performed by Human Service workers are case manager to those who need support, 帮助人们获得社区服务的中介, 日常生活技能教师, advocate for those who are unable to advocate for themselves, 客户和代理机构之间的调解人, 照顾孩子, 长老, 残疾成年人.

Human services workers work in offices, hospitals, or rehab facilities under supervision. 其他人可能在这个领域花费相当多的时间, 来访的客户, doing training in sheltered workshops or day programs, 或者在集体之家做心理咨询.


  • Dr. James Wadley -项目主席和教授
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电话: 215-590-8200
